It’s day 3 of our week-long alphabet giveaway and today we’re focusing on uppercase and lowercase recognition with these uppercase and lowercase letter sorts! Excellent for Pre-K and Kindergarten kids.
Our 500 page MEGA ALPHABET BUNDLE is only $14 today (Wed US time) – grab it quickly as the price will continue to increase each day until Saturday.
Alphabet Giveaways
- Monday (A-E): Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts
- Tuesday (F-J): Alphabet Mazes – both uppercase and lowercase
- Wednesday (K-O): Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabet Sorts
- Thursday (P-T): Alphabet Picture and Word Match
- Friday (U-Z): Alphabet Word and Picture Puzzles: Solve and Write
Preparing the letter sorts
Download these uppercase and lowercase letter sorts (below) then simply print them as you need them! Just grab a pair of scissors and some pencils.
Using these uppercase and lowercase letter sorts
- Write your name on top.
- Trace or colour in the target letter on the top left hand side.
- Say the name of the letter and its sound.
- Chat about the differences between the uppercase and lowercase letter.
- Are the uppercase or lowercase letters sometimes written differently? Show your children examples of how the letter might be written by writing them or grabbing some children’s books using different fonts (for eg, a, b, g, j, q, u).
- Cut on the dotted lines to separate all the letters.
- Sort them into uppercase on the left and lowercase on the right (it’s not always easy to tell, so it’s OK to be unsure).
- Glue them into place, saying the name of the letter and its sound as each one is glued to the page.
Download here
Click on the following highlighted link and these UPPERCASE AND LOWERCASE LETTER SORTS will immediately be sent to your downloads folder or other device equivalent.
Mega Alphabet Bundle
This bundle contains the following A-Z alphabet packs. Each pack includes both uppercase and lowercase letters. You can click on each link to see each individual pack, or FIND THE BUNDLE HERE.
The reason the pack is starting off at such a bargain is so that teachers who have previously purchased some of the individual packs can still get an excellent value for money!
- Punch Cards
- Spinners
- Alphabet Sounds and Letter Formation
- Cootie Catchers
- Do-a-Dot and Color
- Play Dough Mats
- A-Z Animal Beginning Sounds
- Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts
- Alphabet Mazes
- Uppercase and Lowercase Sorts
- Picture and Word Match
- Word and Picture Puzzles: Solve and Write
Just want A-Z Letter Sorts?
If you don’t need the alphabet bundle but would like the complete set of Alphabet Sorts you can purchase them HERE.

[…] Wednesday (K-O): Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabet Sorts […]