Where are the Get Well cards when you need them? If you ever want your kids to write get well cards, why not keep these filed away so they’re ready to go when the time comes?
Four cards to choose from
- Feeling ruff? Hope you’re better soon.
- Get well soon. Miss you!
- Hang in there! Hope things are better soon. (this one doesn’t have to relate to physical illness)
- (Picture of an ouchy cupcake). Hoping you feel better soon.
Three versions of each card
Version 1: Full colour and bold text.
Version 2: Blackline with dotted font for tracing.
Version 3: Blank pages for children to write or draw as they wish.
Just print them off
- Download the file at the bottom of this post
- Print off whichever version you prefer
- Fold on the lines to create the card
- Write or draw before sending it off!
Download here
Click the following highlighted link to download your GET WELL CARDS. The file will immediately be sent to your downloads folder or other device equivalent.
Concussion in Young Children
Do your kids know what happens when they bump their heads? THIS PODCAST with Dr Elizabeth Sandel explores this very important and frequently occurring event. You’ll find:
- free posters explaining what concussion is to young children and when they should tell an adult they’re not feeling well.
- a one-minute video explaining what happens inside our heads when they get bumped.
Want some more word tracing and reading activities?
Try these 50 Teeny Tiny Books from my store.