As children begin to discover words they realise there are all sorts of oddities within the English language. One of those is that one word can have multiple meanings, even when it’s spelled the same. These free homonym puzzles are a fun way to introduce the idea of one word, multiple meanings to your kids!
While some dictionaries will give varying definitions for a homonym, I’m using the strictest definition of same spelling + same pronunciation = different meanings.
For example, a ball can be a bouncy toy or a fancy dance. Or a bank can be the side of a river, a building where money is kept or when an airplane gradually turns in the air.
Homophones (with phone meaning sound or voice) are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings.
For example, I can carry water in a pail, but need to rest if my skin is pale.
Homographs (with graph referring to drawn or written) are words that are spelled the same, but they might be pronounced differently and have different meanings.
For example, a singer might wear a bow in her hair and bow at the end of a performance.
Homonym puzzles
Print off the colour or black and white versions as needed, fold carefully in half and glue to create 2-sided cards. Cut along the black lines to separate the pieces. Printing on card will make them last longer! Full instructions are in the printable.
How to use these puzzles
Mix up the puzzles so children can put them back together. If they use the pictures as prompts, pop them together then flip each segment to see the 2 definitions. For advanced readers have them work from the definitions side rather than the pictures.
Words included
There are 8 puzzles in both colour and black and white: fire, wave, fly, ring, box, letter, bark and bat.
Download here
Click on the following highlighted link to download your HOMONYM PUZZLES. They will immediately be sent to your downloads folder or other device equivalent.
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I hope your kids enjoy these puzzles!