These April Fools’ Day readers are great for adding some new vocabulary to your little one’s reading. Are there differences between a joke, a prank and a trick? Use these readers as a catalyst for discussion.
April Fools’ Day readers
Book 1: Contains words only, in dotted print so children can trace over each letter. Included words are: joke, prank, silly, trick, jester, funny and crazy!
Book 2: Contains short phrases relevant to April Fools’ Day.
What to do
You can download these April Fools’ Day Readers HERE.
Print off the books you want to use. There are 2 versions and each can be printed in colour or black and white. Each book uses only 1 piece of paper and you only need to cut one slit and then fold it into an 8-page book. There are full instructions in the download.
Using the April Fools’ Day books
- The word-only version uses a dotted font for the words so little ones can trace over the words for writing practice.
- The black and white versions are, of course, great for colouring in!
- There is space on the front page for kids to write their name.
- Ask children to try and fold the books themselves as they’ll need to focus and it’s great for fine motor skills.
- Read the books with the children, ask them to read to each other and read by themselves. Check that they understand the nuanced meaning behind some of the words, and whether they understand the tricks played in the sentence book.
Free Easter readers and bookmarks
Pop over to pick up some free readers for Easter, plus some sweet bookmarks!
And here are the rest of our free readers!