Tracing is a great way for little ones to practice writing if they’re just starting out or to help them learn proper formation. They’ll find all the capital letters in this free ice age printable!
To prepare
Click the link to download this Find and Trace Capital Letters printable. Print off the colour or black and white version onto paper or card stock. If you want it to be used over and over laminate the page or use plastic slips with dry erase markers.
How to use
Single Child: Find each letter, name it and trace it, then cross that letter off at the bottom of the page. Going alphabetically is also a great idea.
In pairs: One child says a letter and the other finds it, says it, traces it and crosses the letter off. They then switch turns and keep switching until all the letters are complete.
Extension: After a child says what the letter is they come up with 1, 2 or 3 words that start with that sound.
Assessment: Can your child recognise each letter, say it’s name AND know the sound(s) it makes?
Looking for lowercase practice?
Pop over to Find and Trace the Alphabet to download this free lowercase alphabet version.
Looking for more FREE alphabet or tracing activities?
For links to lots more free alphabet activities pop over to my Alphabet for Early Learners Pinterest board.
I wish you happy teaching and learning!

Love your ideas!
Thanks, Janet! I do enjoy sitting around brainstorming.
Can you make more find and trace alphabet pages? My kindergarten kids LOVE these and I don’t know how to make it myself.
I’ll add them to my list, Cherise, but it probably won’t be soon. You could make a simple version by taking a colouring page and writing letters all over it in pencil, then photocopying the page. This way the kids could simply trace over the letters you wrote!