This week we’re celebrating the New Year and the alphabet with free printables each day! Today’s focus is beginning sounds which are so important in building a bridge between knowing letters and starting to read and write. We hope your kids enjoy these free A-E picture sort activities!
And if you’re looking for an absolute bargain our new Mega Alphabet Bundle contains over 500 pages and is only $10 today! The price will go up a few dollars each day this week until it reaches its final price on Saturday.
Alphabet Giveaways
- Tuesday (F-J): Alphabet Mazes – both uppercase and lowercase
- Wednesday (K-O): Uppercase and Lowercase Alphabet Sorts
- Thursday (P-T): Alphabet Picture and Word Match
- Friday (U-Z): Alphabet Word and Picture Puzzles: Solve and Write
Beginning sounds picture sorts
To prepare
Download the picture sorts (below) then print them as you need them. Grab some scissors, glue and a pencil and you’re ready to go!
How to use
- Write a name on top.
- Trace over the letters in the top left corner using correct stroke order.
- Say the letter name and say its sound(s) three times.
- Kids cut out the pictures on the bottom of the page then sort them according to their beginning sounds.
- Check the included word list if you’re unsure what words are represented by the pictures. Help kids identify the starting sound by focusing on the first sound then stretching out the word to hear all the sounds in the word more clearly.
- Pictures starting with the target sound can be glued on the left and non-target beginning sounds on the right.
- As an extension activity children can attempt to draw a line from the target sound pictures to the correct word. To help them decide, they might think about the final sound, or whether the word is long or short etc. They don’t necessarily have to be able to read the words.
- Colour the pictures anytime during this activity if they wish.
Download here
Click on the following highlighted link and these Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts will immediately be sent to your downloads folder or other device equivalent.
Mega Alphabet Bundle
This bundle contains the following A-Z alphabet packs. Each pack includes both uppercase and lowercase letters. You can click on each link to see each individual pack, or FIND THE BUNDLE HERE.
The reason the pack is starting off at such a bargain is so that teachers who have previously purchased some of the individual packs can still get an excellent value for money!
- Punch Cards
- Spinners
- Alphabet Sounds and Letter Formation
- Cootie Catchers
- Do-a-Dot and Color
- Play Dough Mats
- A-Z Animal Beginning Sounds
- Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts
- Alphabet Mazes
- Uppercase and Lowercase Sorts
- Picture and Word Match
- Word and Picture Puzzles: Solve and Write
Just want A-Z Picture Sorts?
If you don’t need the alphabet bundle but would like the complete A-Z Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts you can purchase it at MY TPT STORE.

[…] These alphabet mazes are a fun way to practice reading and writing letters. And since we’re including both uppercase and lowercase mazes there are 10 free pages in this F-J pack. You can pick up yesterday’s A-E Beginning Sounds Picture Sorts HERE. […]