Edit: January to December 2021 calendars are available HERE.
I’ve had lots of requests for an early release of the 2016 monthly calendar, so here it is! The other major request over the past 6 months was for the weeks to run from Sunday to Saturday, so I’ve put in the work and now you can choose between Monday to Sunday OR Sunday to Saturday.
These monthly calendars are excellent for using in the classroom or to send home with reminders for the coming month. Some teachers enlarge them to use in classroom activities and others have the kids colour them and bind them into a yearly calendar to send home as a gift to families.
These free calendars have become one of my most popular posts since the first one was introduced a year ago, and it’s wonderful to hear stories of how they’re being used in schools and homes!
This newest version has undergone some upgrades.
- You can now download a Sun-Sat version as well as the original Mon-Sun version
- I’ve included a few more nationally-relevant days for different regions by adding separate pages. I try to avoid putting all the popular American holidays on a general calendar because it’s a little frustrating for non-US teachers!
Regional pages include:
US: Memorial Day*, Veterans Day*, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Kwanzaa. Halloween is included in the general calendar as it is slowly becoming more popular outside the US. (*These were added Dec 14, so if you downloaded earlier, please re-download if you’d like these extra dates).
UK: St. Georges Day and Guy Fawkes Day
Canada: Canada Day and Thanksgiving
Australia / New Zealand: Australia Day, Waitangi Day, Anzac Day and June is included with wintery graphics rather than summer graphics.
Do you have requests?
If you would like to request additional special days for your region in future calendars, please leave a comment at the end of this post. I can’t promise to include it, but I can try! The next monthly calendar edition will be the 2016/2017 calendar that I’ll probably create around the end of May.
Download the calendars
Find the link to the latest calendar at the top of this post!
Looking for editable versions?
You can buy editable versions of these calendars at Teachers Pay Teachers. Since I’m updating them every 6 months, once you’ve bought one version you’ll be able to go back and download any new versions for free.
I hope you find these calendars very useful and wish you happy teaching and learning!

Ooohhh! Love your website Liz! Thanks for this AWESOME freebie that not only caters for me here in Oz (yippppie!) – but is beautifully made, and well… perfect!!! A gazillion thank-yous from me here in Perth, Australia! 🙂
Thanks for your lovely comment, Jane! I hope you find tons of activities here you can use.
Cheers, Liz.
Wow! So generous and nation specific. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
You’re very welcome!
Can a buy this in a word format? for some reason I cant print the PDF
I’m sorry, Felicia. Creators like me cannot publish documents in Word if they contain clip art as it’s part of the conditions of use. We have to do everything we can to make it difficult for people to extract the clip art or we’re not allowed to use it. Sometimes people have trouble printing documents at school because they block outside sources somehow. Otherwise my only suggestions are to try a different printer, or ask a friend to try and print it from their computer. Let me know how you go!
love the calendar – so cute! thank you so much :o)
Thanks, Lorina!
This is adorable! Could you include veterans day & memorial day? Thanks
They are important days in the US, so yes, I’ll add those for you Karen. It will take me a few weeks to get to it though. I suggest you subscribe (if you haven’t already) as I’ll let everyone know when I’ve added those dates in the newsletter. Thanks for your comment Karen, I’m sure lots of my US readers are hoping for those days!
Can you make a free 2019 weekly calendar?
Thanks for your request, Eileen. I’m assuming you mean 2016! I’m sorry, but that would actually take me a really long time to create, so I’m going to have to pass on that.
I adore this calendar. My daughter in first grade loves a daily calendar. Could you please include for Canada, Remembrance Day (always on November 11) and Labor Day, the first Monday in Sept. and Boxing Day Dec. 26. Thanks!
I’ll pop these dates on my list, Jen, to try and include next time.