Board games are a great way to engage children and encourage them to practice a learning task many times in a row! And they can be played just about anywhere. So today we bring you 10+ Ways to Count with Board Games.
Count with board games ideas
1. Feed the Monkey
- Feed the Monkey from Tot Schooling. This is a colour matching game where kids then count out the correct number of bananas to feed the monkey! Free to download.
- Monster truck racing from A Moment in our World. Free, but you’ll need to leave your details.
2. Traditional board games
- Snakes and ladders from Itsy Bitsy Fun. I really like that this has all the numbers to 100 printed so kids can practice counting on and getting used to the larger numbers rather than just the smaller numbers that dice can represent. If you visit this site you’ll find a number of beautifully designed free game boards, and I LOVE the Christmas play money!
- Board games from Communication 4 All. There are a number of different games to download here, including a version of snakes and ladders (but without the numbers). All free.
3. Football
- Football counting game from Sunny Day Family. Kids move across the field, counting by 10s till they make a touchdown! Free game board.
4. Grid games
- Space theme grid games from Stay at Home Educator. Simple but effective, and the numbers being counted can be easily adapted so it’s right at your child’s level. Free boards.
- Moon math game from Stir the Wonder. It’s set up as a grid counting (or ABC) game but round… since it’s the moon!
5. Within 10
- Learning numbers board game for numbers 6-10 from Life Over Cs. Kim also has a free construction-themed game for numbers 1-5.
- Sandwich shop math game from PreKinders. Not technically a board game, but a great way to practice counting within 6 while making (foam) sandwiches.
- Ladybug domino set 1-6 from Powerful Mothering. More of a card game, of course, but still an effective way to learn, particularly good for subitising (knowing the number just by a quick look).
6. DIY games
- DIY river counting game from Pre-K Pages.
- DIY Valentine’s Day counting game from Life Over Cs. Uses scrapbook paper and foam hearts.
- Print and use game board pattern from Homeschool Parent. A free simple board you can adapt and use as you like.
7. Count to 100
- Race to 100 from Liz’s Early Learning Spot. Similar layout to snakes and ladders, encourages kids to count on so that they’re moving through the larger numbers.
- Race to 50 from Peace, Love and Learning. Free board game where children colour the spaces as they roll and count their way to 50.
8. Count 30 and under
- Safari counting to 30 from 123 Homeschool 4 Me. This game uses cards instead of dice to indicate moving forward or backwards along the number line. It adds numbers up to 9, and subtracts numbers to 3. Free to download.
- Ten apples up on top from Math Geek Mama. A cute printable based on the Dr Seuss book. You’ll need to leave your details.
9. Counting On
- Counting on when you only have a minute from Liz’s Early Learning Spot. Each board covers a decade between 1-100. Kids land on a number then practice counting on 3 more numbers from wherever they land. It’s designed for kids to be able to spend just a minute or two practicing when they’ve got a small break.
10. Turn taking and counting
- Counting skills board game from Pre-Kinders. Use it for counting, one-to-one correspondence and turn taking.
Want to see more counting roundup posts?
- 10+ Ways to Count and Move
- 10+ Ways to Count with Play Dough
- 10+ Ways to Count with Fine Motor Skills
- 10+ Ways to Count with Snacks
- 10+ Ways to Count with Storybooks
- 10+ Ways to Count with Clothespins
Looking for more counting activities?
Pop over to my TpT store for more counting products: within 5, within 20, within 100 and introducing number lines 0-10.

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