Playing with counting mats is one of the simplest ways to encourage kids to count. There are many free counting mats available online and they can easily be put into a little ziploc baggie with some counters and you’ve got instant portability.
Counting mats ideas
- Basketball shots from Modern Preschool. Free 1-12 printable, just add orange pompoms!
- Train track counting from Play Trains. DIY little drawings of train tracks, then just add the toy trains.
- Fall mats from No Time for Flashcards. Free 1-10 fall and apple trees. Just add little apples or leaves for counting.
- Number activity mats from The STEM Laboratory. Kids will get tons of practice with these free 1-10 mats. Includes tally marks, making numbers from play dough, writing numerals and one-to-one correspondence with manipulatives. (Playdough to Plato has a roundup with links to 15 great sets of free counting mats.)
- Frogs and flies counting to 5 from This Reading Mama. A free printable with a cute theme. (Pond counting mats from Playdough to Plato. Free 1-10 mats just add little frogs or turtles or other pond creatures.)
- Plant your own tulips from Mama Miss. This is such a beautiful free 1-20 printable!
- Using legos to teach math from Crayon Freckles. Make yourself a numbered line and off you go!
- Peg the dot number counting cards from Laughing Kids Learn. You’ll need to subscribe for these free cards, then just print and add clothespins.
- Learning with ladybugs from Tot Schooling. Free ladybug plus numbers to 20. Just add buttons, or whatever else you have available.
- Dump truck counting from The Measured Mom. Free 1-20 printable. Just add items to be loaded onto the truck.
Want to see more counting roundup posts?
- 10+ Ways to Count and Move
- 10+ Ways to Count with Play Dough
- 10+ Ways to Count with Fine Motor Skills
- 10+ Ways to Count with Snacks
- 10+ Ways to Count with Storybooks
- 10+ Ways to Count with Clothespins
- 10+ Ways to Count with Free Board Games
- 10+ Ways to Count Outside
- 10+ Ways to Count at Home
Looking for more counting activities?
Pop over to my TpT store for more counting products: within 5, within 20, within 100 and introducing number lines 0-10.

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