For very early writers tracing is a great way to gain confidence, practice shaping letters correctly and getting across a message without having to stress over spelling. Why not let them choose one of these Mother’s Day Cards to work on?
There’s a blank template at the end of the file so they can create their own original card, too!
5 Mother’s Day cards
- My mom/mum is the queen… of my heart.
- You’re the best… super mom/mum!
- Your hugs make my heart… melt.
- Happy Mother’s Day. Here are:… 10 kisses!
- Hey Mom/Mum! I love you… bear-y much!
How to prepare
Print off the pages you wish to use and fold on the lines to create each card. Make sure to double check the spelling before printing – there are versions for both US and Australian spelling.
I’ve also included a blank version at the end for kids to write and draw their own original cards.
How to use
Children can trace over the words, sign their name and maybe add some XXX (kisses) and OOO (hugs). Don’t forget to colour!
Download here
Click on the following highlighted link to download 5 MOTHER’S DAY CARDS TO TRACE. They should immediately be sent to your downloads folder or other device equivalent.
Want more word tracing activities?
Try these TEENY TINY BOOKS that come with predictable text. Each page makes one book.

These are perfect Thank you f or sharing
I hope they are useful for you this week, Karen. Although I suppose there’s no reason why we can’t give our mums cards any time of the year!
Thank you for your Mother’s Day freebies!
You’re very welcome, Joan!
Thank you for the great fit for beginning writers on this very special day!
Some children get really stressed over writing, so it’s nice to have some options for our kids. I hope your kids like these cards, Susan!